Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Trainer & Promoter
Learn how to design and facilitate Cultural Intelligence workshops in your organization
CQ Trainer & Promoter
Working in multicultural groups or teams can complicate the collaboration due to misunderstandings, frustrations etc. But working in multicultural teams also has great potential. When you know how to benefit from the cultural diversity, you will increase productivity, innovation and creativity. As a certified Cultural Intelligence Trainer, you will gain competences & tools to design and facilitate workshops in your own organization in order to support employees and leaders to act more inclusively and with more cultural intelligence.
During the workshop you will gain new evidence-based knowledge about cross-cultural and virtual collaboration and you will learn how to design and facilitate engaging and involving workshops on cultural intelligence and cross-cultural collaboration, both in-person and virtually.
Our Cultural Intelligence Workshop
- 2-day face-to-face kick-off workshop in CPH (near the Central Station)
- 2 x 2-hour virtual workshop on ZOOM/TEAMS
- 1-day follow-up workshop where you test-drive part of your workshop, gain feedback and make small adjustments
- A copy of the book “Did You Get The Point? Cultural Intelligence & Diversity in Global Collaboration”
- A trainer diploma: Virtual & In-person Facilitator of Cultural Intelligence and Cross-cultural & Virtual Collaboration
What is CQ (Cultural Intelligence)? Why is it crucial in a global workplace? And how to work with CQ as a trainer?
- How to work with the four competences of CQ: CQ-brain, CQ-heart, CQ-eye, CQ-muscle
- How to train participants to build personal CQ-strategies
The role of the facilitator in Cross-cultural training sessions. How to facilitate evidence-based knowledge in fun, engaging, effective and inclusive ways in your own organization:
- In-person facilitation
- Virtual facilitation
Cross-cultural differences in working style and their impact. How to facilitate knowledge on cultural dimensions, example of how to conduct exercises, reflections, learning point etc. in workshops. How to use the research of cultural differences and still be mindful about interpersonal differences. We will go through topics such as:
- Power distance
- Competitiveness
- Risk willingness
- Communication style & Feedback
- Task or relationship-orientation
- How to build trust in multicultural and virtual teams
- Body language and expressiveness
How to work effectively across cultures and achieve the cultural diversity bonus:
- The cultural diversity bonus
- What does it take to turn cultural differences into an advantage in a team/organization?
Virtual Collaboration in multicultural teams:
- Challenges and benefits of working virtually
- Which media to use when for effective virtual communication?
- How to run effective, interactive and culturally inclusive virtual meetings
- Avoid multitasking on TC calls
- How to create dynamic brainstorming and decision making virtually
- Building trust across cultures and virtually
Skill Development
After the train-the-trainer-session you will gain competencies to design and facilitate workshops on CQ and train your participants to:
- Understand what cultural intelligence is and how it can support a global worker/leader
- Use general cultural awareness in their everyday working life
- Adapt communication and avoid misunderstandings
- Optimize collaboration with global colleagues with many different cultural backgrounds
- Be aware of blind spots on cultural biases
- Build relations and trust in an international context
- Decode situations in a cultural context and act more culturally intelligent
- Understand how virtual collaboration effects your collaboration and optimize the virtual interaction and communication
- Make strategies on which media to choose when
- Use new tools and knowledge about how to optimize virtual collaboration with international colleagues
- Develop team or personal actions on how to benefit from the cultural diversity and reach the cultural diversity bonus
- Make personal strategies and plan how to implement them in your everyday working life
When: January/February 2025 (kick-off workshop)
Where: Copenhagen (IDA) + ZOOM /TEAMS
Price: 19.900 kr. ex moms
Language: English
Sign up: On our homepage or
Max 12 participants
Jeg tror sjældent jeg har deltaget i undervisning, som var så god, relevant og pokkers spændende. Af hjertet tak herfra
Jeg kommer klart til at bruge nogle af de værktøjer i mine globale møder og så er jeg klædt bedre på til at tale om kultur med mine globale kollegaer nu. Det var også vildt inspirerende at høre om de andres erfaringer.
Signe Ørom is principal consultant and owner of ConnectingCultures and part-time business researcher at the University of Copenhagen. Signe has more than 10 years of experience as a cross-cultural facilitator and has conducted workshops in more than 20 countries. She is also the author of the books: ”Forstod du, hvad de sagde? Kulturel intelligens og diversitet i globale samarbejder.” Og “Did You Get The Point? Cultural Intelligence and Diversity in Global Collaboration"
Mikkel Orlovski is principal consultant & partner at ConnectingCultures and has more than 15 years of experience working with global teams. Mikkel is CQ- certified and primarily works with building cultural intelligence in teams and organizations, as well as programs on Diversity and Inclusion.