Cross-cultural and virtual cooperation tværkulturelt og virtuelt ledelse


During 4 x 2 ½ hour virtual workshops, you will gain new evidence-based knowledge about cross-cultural and virtual collaboration.

You will also get a chance to increase your CQ and develop personal strategies to optimize the virtual collaboration with global partners. You will train new competences to assure that the new knowledge transfers into competences and into cultural intelligent behaviour. The virtual workshops are involving and interactive and we will use tools and apps that you can go out and use yourself to create dynamic and inclusive virtual meetings. 

You will receive a certificate after having concluded this course.


  • What is CQ (cultural intelligence) and why is it important in a global, virtual working place?
  • What is the importance of my own cultural ’baggage’?
  • What are the main differences to be aware of when we work across cultures? We will go through cultural dimensions like power distance, risk willingness, time perception etc.
  • How to build trust and strong relations across cultures and virtually?
  • Which media to choose when? Understand and build a strategy for when to write an e-mail, when to send a chat and when to set up a virtual meeting etc.
  • How to design and run effective and inclusive virtual meetings? How to avoid multitasking participants? How to assure alignment virtually.
  • Cross-cultural communication – how can I adjust my communication style to the receiver? 
  • How can I assure alignment and that the message is both clear and doesn’t offend anyone.
  • How to use the research of cultural differences and still be mindful about personal preference. 
  • How to benefit from the diversity in a multicultural collaboration. 

Skill development. You will train your skills to:

  • Adjust your communication and avoid misunderstandings
  • Optimize your collaboration with global colleagues with different cultural background
  • Assure alignment in virtual meetings in a multicultural group
  • Be aware of you own blind spots (what don’t I know, that I need to know?)
  • Decode situations in a cross-cultural context and react more cultural intelligent
  • Use virtual tools and apps to create more inclusive virtual meetings 


We are happy to advise on which form of training is most relevant to you regarding diversity and unconscious bias. Read more here.

Sign up
“Very good course, beneficial to everyone working in a global environment. I enjoyed the many hints, surprising aha experiences, games and illustrative slides which gave me a nice overview of the cultural differences in different parts of the world, as well as useful practical advice on how to deal with those differences. Very well done, Signe! “
referencer connecting cultures
Pia Hjorth
Global Development Ferring Pharmaceuticals

4 x 2 1⁄2 hour on Zoom/Teams
When: Twice a year we open a new group (We doddle so that everyone can be there)
How many: max 8
Language: Danish /English
Price: 6900 kr. ex moms
Info: signe@connectingculture eller +27346999