The DiversityDiagnostics (DiDi)
The DiversityDiagnostics (DiDi) tool offers our partners and clients a solid, data-based foundation for their diversity initiatives and allows you to base your efforts on data pertaining to their unique group of employees. The tool consists of a series of quantitative and qualitative questions and inquiries developed specifically by ConnectingCultures’ Diversity & Inclusion consultants to identify and target tensions and perceptions related to diversity, inclusion and employee well-being.
The combination of quantitative and qualitative data allows us to both measure and examine quantifiable tendencies in the employee population AND explore the meanings, feelings and opinions of the respondents. The data are analyzed and summarized by an experienced consultant and structured, presented and visualized in a report which makes it easy to bring the insights with you to meetings with management and employees. The insights are also translated into considerations and concrete advice which helps you integrate and implement the knowledge generated by the DiversityDiagnostics tool.
Depending on the needs and strategies of your organization, the data can be developed into a series of in-house or virtual workshops, seminars and practical initiatives, in which one or more of our diversity consultants support you in optimally creating an inclusive culture working with the data. Depending on the findings, we also offer workshops which focus on collaboration across different cultures, specific diversity factors and how to be an inclusive leader to particular types of employees. We support with competence development of inclusive leadership, inclusive language and communication and inclusive collaboration.
Feel free to reach out to us to hear more about the possibilities and potential for your particular organization, employee group or company.
The DiversityDiagnostics tool can:
- Help you identify in which ways your employees are diverse
- Identify tensions and opinions related to diversity and inclusion
- Create a data-based foundation for your diversity initiative, so you do not end up wasting valuable time
- Be applied to teams, departments or whole organizations